Navigating Homesickness While Studying Abroad: Tips for Students
Many Indian students wish to study abroad and make their careers there. It’s a great opportunity for students, giving them a wholesome experience. However, there are always the cons – and one of the biggest is homesickness. Yes, it’s not easy to adjust to a new culture altogether, and students end up feeling homesick. Today, we are going to talk about ways by which students can feel less homesick and be happy where they are!
Connect with fellow students.
One of the very best ways to deal with homesickness is by connecting with fellow students who are on this journey. One can connect in various ways such as – attending orientation events, taking part in social gatherings, and joining clubs and organizations, also one of the best ways is by attending study groups and workshops. Thus, surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals will provide a sense of support.
Seek support from local resources.
One should take advantage of resources such as student advisors, counselors, mentors, language exchange programs, and international student services.
By taking aid from these local resources, one can get valuable advice, guidance, and support. One can also connect with local communities and activities that align with one’s interests. This way one can feel more connected to the environment.
Stay connected with loved ones.
There is obviously the use of technology that has made it easier to stay connected with family and friends back at home!Thus, to stay connected one should make regular video calls, and use WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or even Telegram. One can also organize virtual family gatherings!
By indulging in all the above ways, one can maintain a strong bond with their loved ones back home!
Participate in Local Activities and Events
One can also immerse themselves in local culture and community by participating in activities and events. One can do the following: Research local events, join sports teams, attend art exhibitions, Volunteer for local causes, and mostly join cultural festivals! By engaging in such activities one can not only feel busy and distracted but also meet like-minded people and create new connections!
So, yes studying abroad can mean missing your family and loved ones back home! But there are many ways of overcoming this homesickness and feeling not lonely in your present environment. So follow the above tips and feel less homesick!